Full Name
Taylor Smrikárova
Job Title
Director, Property Development
Speaker Bio
Taylor Smrikárova, Director, Property Development. Taylor joined the Redesign team in 2020. Her work is focused on the intersection of real estate development, architecture, urban-focused design and community orientation. She believes that the development process itself adds beauty in creating occupiable art.
Prior to joining the Redesign team, Taylor has worked in mixed-use development at The
Excelsior Group, in both commercial real estate and architecture at THOR Companies and office renovations at RSP Architects. She also worked in residential architecture at Nelson Architects (in Washington D.C.), commercial mortgages at Capital One (in Maryland), and assisted homeowners during the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) after the 2008 crisis while at Dorner Law & Title Services (in Boston, MA).
Her passion is real estate development that not only satieties investors, but truly uplifts end users from all walks of life. She values the full urban experience and gets excited about large and difficult mixed-use developments that feature mixed income housing.
Taylor holds a Bachelor of Science in Architecture from Northeastern University and a Master of
Real Estate Development from the University of Maryland.
Taylor Smrikárova