Baltimore Museum of Art Tour
Date & Time
Friday, October 25, 2024, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Seeking to forge new and stronger connections with the local community, The Baltimore Museum of Art's (BMA) newly renovated Joseph Education Center expands the role museums play as agents of social transformation. By expanding its educational mission, the BMA aims to break down cultural barriers and create a welcoming space for diverse audiences to engage with art and culture.The BMA's bold mission is to be the most socially engaged museum in the country, and the design of the Joseph Education Center unravels underlying and often deeply entrenched cultural barriers in traditional museum design that impede inclusive public access to cultural education. Situated within a historic building, the 6,700 square feet renovation and expansion serve as a beacon of accessibility and innovation. Featuring state-of-the-art facilities such as an art-making studio classroom and a digital media lab, the Center provides a central access point for Baltimore City's school groups, facilitating immersive learning experiences. Join us on this tour to witness the Center's groundbreaking design, including interactive exhibit walls and dynamic galleries curated by renowned artists exploring the theme of "Play."

Course Credit
Pending Approval
Number of Credits
1 Learning Unit (60 min.)