Baltimore Center for Architecture and Design + Quinn Evans Baltimore Office Tour
Date & Time
Saturday, October 26, 2024, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Participate in an enriching tour of the Baltimore Center for Architecture and Design, designed by Quinn Evans Architects. The Center not only embodies exquisite design but also symbolizes the pivotal role of architectural practice in shaping communities. As a prominent landmark, the Center serves as a beacon, inviting professionals, students, and the public to engage with the transformative power of design. On this tour attendees will assess the role of architectural spaces, such as the Baltimore Center for Architecture and Design, in fostering community engagement and promoting public awareness of architectural significance, contributing to a deeper understanding of architecture's societal impact. This tour offers a unique opportunity to explore two distinct spaces within a Mies van der Rohe building since the Baltimore Office of Quinn Evans is located 14 floors above the Center for Design.

Course Credit
Pending Approval
Number of Credits
1 Learning Unit (60 min.)