Building Legacies: Publishing Architectural Stories
Date & Time
Saturday, October 26, 2024, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Pascale Sablan Ibrahim Greenidge

This course explores the critical role of documenting contributions to the built environment, with a particular focus on black and brown minorities in the profession. Through seminars and engaging discussions led by esteemed speakers, including Pascale Sablan and Ibrahim Greenidge, participants will learn about the tools and strategies needed for effective documentation. Topics covered include the nuances of self-publishing versus traditional publishing, the significance of headshots, white papers, and press kits, and the proactive steps necessary for getting work reviewed and published. The course will also touch upon the historical evolution of architectural typologies and their impact on urban planning and social equity, addressing issues such as housing injustice and redlining. Participants will gain valuable insights into the history of architectural publications, the role of community-centric approaches in design, and the importance of creating inclusive, sustainable environments.

Course Credit
Number of Credits
1 Learning Unit (60 min.)