Climate Change, Housing Disruption, and Community Design
Date & Time
Friday, October 25, 2024, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Joseph Ashmore Victoria Powell Dahlia Nduom Irantzu Serra-lasa

The impacts of climate change, including climate-change related disasters, are increasingly impacting individuals and communities of color in their ability to access and maintain safe, reliable housing. This session will focus on housing and community design within the context of climate-change related disruption and displacement due to sudden and slow (or repeated) onset disasters. The session will investigate how architects, and other built environment professionals can work with and address climate-related housing issues, through the interrelated lens of land tenure, zoning, sociology, economics, health, and architecture in collaboration with humanitarian organizations. The discussion will touch on topics related to resilient design and climate change gentrification in communities of color, as well as address the role that architects using community and participatory approaches can play in habitation post climate crises displacement.

Course Credit
Number of Credits
1 Learning Unit (60 min.)
Virtual Session