The NOMA Future Faces Fellowship: Every NOMAS Student Should Have an Internship!
Date & Time
Friday, October 25, 2024, 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
Melanie Ray Madison Summers

Have you not heard of this yet? The NOMA Future Faces Fellowship is here to knock down the barriers that our NOMAS students face when trying to obtain meaningful internship experience. Supported by the Large Firm Round Table, the NFF Fellowship provides full-time internships to NOMAS members and takes it a step further by giving the fellows housing stipends, professional development sessions, and meaningful mentorship opportunities. Join our session to hear more about the fellowship, why it's important, and experiences from past fellows! This session is open to both prospective fellows and host firm members.

Course Credit
Number of Credits
1.25 Learning Units (75 min.)