Red Line 2.0
Date & Time
Thursday, October 24, 2024, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Erica Rigby

The Red Line is a high-frequency, high-capacity transit line for the Baltimore Region, and will be an investment in residents' access to jobs, education, services, and opportunities. This project addresses a major gap in east-west transit service between Bayview and Woodlawn, through downtown Baltimore City. The Red Line has been shaped by over ten years of study, engineering, environmental analysis, and substantial community participation. The relaunch of the Red Line has a strong foundation and builds upon the extensive technical work and community engagement conducted prior to the 2015 cancellation of the project. MTA is exploring key considerations (mode, alignment, tunneling, and environmental documentation) in the alternatives development phase, with inclusive public engagement, to receive, share, and consider project options.

Course Credit
Number of Credits
.5 Learning Units (30-45 min.)