A Tale of Many Cities: Exchanging Design Solutions for Affordable and Public Housing
Date & Time
Thursday, October 24, 2024, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Allison Lane Nakita Reed Nicole Vlado Jason Pugh

With a recognized and growing need for housing throughout the country, this panel will reflect upon the opportunities and challenges, both shared and unique, to the architectural design and rehabilitation of contemporary affordable and public housing in four cities: New York, Baltimore, Chicago, and San Francisco. This conversation will include an exchange of ideas and best practices, as we consider the impact that architecture can have on the places in which we live, shifting away from the stigmas historically carried by this typology to reimagine affordable and public housing as beautiful and healthy spaces in thriving and diverse communities. The panelists are designers and practitioners of architecture from AECOM, Quinn Evans, Gensler, and David Baker Architects. Their presentations will explore innovative technical approaches to affordable housing project development and implementation across various regions of the US, touching upon working with public housing authorities and stakeholders including residents, developers and community organizations. This seminar will examine wellness and justice as evidenced by community-engaged, data-driven, sustainable, and resilient design practices.

Course Credit
Number of Credits
1.5 Learning Units (90 min)
Virtual Session