West Baltimore United A Plan to Reconnect Communities
Date & Time
Thursday, October 24, 2024, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Corren Johnson Stuart Sirota Renata Southard

The Highway to Nowhere is a remnant of past efforts to connect Interstate 70 with Interstates 83 and 95 around Baltimore's Central Business District, a connection that was never completed. Strong community advocacy of the neighborhoods on the west end prevented full completion of the project, but not before the West Baltimore segment was constructed, thus earning the local moniker the Highway to Nowhere. Construction demolished vibrant African American neighborhoods, including the removal of 971 homes, 62 businesses, 20 City blocks, and 1 school subsequently displacing approximately 1,500 residents. In 2022, Baltimore City began an effort to reconnect this section of West Baltimore by applying for a federal Reconnecting Communities Grant. The maximum amount for a planning grant was awarded in the amount of $2 Million. Now, the Department of Transportation is working to re-envision this space and understand what a reconnected West Baltimore looks like with the help of community partners and non-traditional engagement.

Course Credit
Number of Credits
1 Learning Unit (60 min.)