From Hierarchy to Solidarity: Building a Democratic Design Practice
Date & Time
Thursday, October 24, 2024, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Bryan C Lee Jr Katherine Marple Amina D. Massey Tina Taeb

What does radical democracy look like in an architecture practice? As the architecture profession grapples with questions of equity and justice in community-centered design, a critical re-evaluation of internal power structures and unlearning inequitable praxis becomes imperative. At Colloqate Design we view our practice as an ongoing, collaborative project which we cultivate collectively every step of the way. Join us for an honest look at this process that is a little messy, definitely unconventional, but empowering and a lot of fun! In this workshop, we'll get real about how we make decisions together, adapt to different needs, honor fluid roles and responsibilities, and cultivate solidarity as workers, friends, and comrades. We'll talk about the challenges and where we feel we're making progress. Join the conversation, reflect on your own understanding of design practice, and let's find ways to make our profession more equitable for everyone.

Course Credit
Number of Credits
1.5 Learning Units (90 min)