*AI*: Today's Four Letter Word
Date & Time
Thursday, October 24, 2024, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
joel avery

A buzzward for the past few years. A bain to professors with writing assignments. A boon to legitimate and illegitimate image creators. An actual weapon killing soldiers and civilians in Ukraine, Gaza and elsewhere. AI has been impacting global existence more profoundly than imagined and will continue to do so. Like many decent terms of profanity AI is used to bless and curse and its power is no longer relegated to some distant future but is found today affecting modern practice in critical ways that will help or hinder your practice. Thriving firms are taking advantage of the trend in obvious and less obvious scenarios, securing their office and broadening their offerings with the power of large language models. This session is where you learn what your firm of 1 or 100 should be doing right now in this game changing arena. Protecting your infrastructure. Amplifying your style. Creating with fewer boundaries. We'll focus on those three areas giving you all the information you need to protect and elevate your team

Course Credit
Number of Credits
1 Learning Unit (60 min.)