Resilient Regeneration: Retrofitting with Passive Design to Revitalize Neighborhoods
Date & Time
Thursday, October 24, 2024, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Nakita Reed David Gavin

The story of The Compound Rowhouses is one of transformation; the repurposing of four underutilized rowhouses in a formerly redlined community into two innovative communal residential units, currently design certified under the PHIUS (Passive House Institute US) passive house standards. The retention of the existing rowhouse facades maintain neighborhood character, while new construction behind and above maximized space. The biggest challenge: retrofitting the 100-year-old masonry walls for super-insulation and continuous air sealing without risking moisture damage. Collaboration with PHIUS resulted in a low-carbon assembly balancing performance and durability. The project is the latest endeavor in The Compound's mission to invest in their local community by preserving neighborhood character, fostering local investment, providing affordable housing for the local artist community, and offering job and training opportunities. The Compound rowhouses demonstrate an innovative model for high-quality, affordable, and healthy urban living, showcasing the powerful intersection of art, sustainability, and community.

Course Credit
Number of Credits
1 Learning Unit (60 min.)