Full Name
Daisy Williams
Job Title
Associate Professor
Speaker Bio
Daisy-O’lice I. Williams is an Associate Professor in the Department of Architecture at the University of Oregon where a central motivation for her research is to promote diverse narratives within the profession. Her most recent collaboration documents the experiences of African-American women architects through interview and survey. Williams has coauthored “Race and Gender in Architecture: A Distance Learning Model” in Spaces Unveiled: Invisible Cultures in the Design Studio. Her forthcoming chapter “Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois: Their Legacies in Architecture Education at Historically Black Colleges and Universities” will be published in Histories of Architecture Education in the United States later this year. Williams also writes about the professional practice of architect Paul R. Williams, FAIA and is creator of PRW Career Mapper (http://paulwilliamsmapper.com), an interactive, web-based research tool for visualizing the distribution of work spanning his career.
Daisy Williams