Full Name
Nolan Lienhart
Job Title
Director of Planning and Urban Design
ZGF Architects
Speaker Bio
Nolan Lienhart is a Principal and Director of Planning & Urban Design for ZGF Architects. He has a depth of experience in transit-oriented development, master planning, and urban design, which includes design and planning for mixed-use neighborhoods, multi-modal corridors, and campus planning. He has recently led teams for Denver’s Civic Center Transit District Plan and Portland’s Broadway Corridor Framework Plan, among other catalytic projects throughout the country. Civic leadership is an important part of Nolan’s work, which has led to his national recognition by the Design Futures Council’s 40 Under Forty, and Engineering News Record’s Top 20 Under 40 in the Northwest. He is currently serving as Faculty Adviser, Daniel Rose Land Use Fellowship, Rose Center for Public Leadership, a program of the National League of Cities in partnership with the Urban Land Institute.
Nolan Lienhart