Full Name
Sarahdjane Mortimer
Job Title
Planning & Strategies Consultant
Speaker Bio
Sarahdjane Mortimer is a Black in Design Mentor and Researcher at Harvard University Graduate School of Design. An alumna of Pratt Institute's School of Architecture, her upbringing in Haiti, has been a foundation for her interest in the change that architecture can make for the world. At the GSD, she's been involved in student organizations such as the African American Student Union, Women in Design, and in her role as President of the National Organization of Minority Architects student chapter. She has been involved academically as a Teaching Assistant for the first year Core Urban Design Studio with Rahul Mehrotra and Peter Rowe, and for a Bangkok Option Studio in the Spring of 2022, as well as a Researcher for Beyond the Built Environment (featuring all 140 African American AIA Fellows and is exhibited at the Octagon Museum).
Sarahdjane Mortimer