Full Name
Wandile Mthiyane
Speaker Bio
Wandile's personal journey across continents exposed him to powerful leaders, shaping his worldview and struggle for racial justice. Born post-apartheid, he experienced displacement and pursued architecture to heal past harm and create a just world. As founder of The Anti-Racist Hotdog, Wandile addresses the enduring legacies of apartheid through innovative anti-racist tools, fighting systemic racism in workplaces and society. His approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion is informed by the lived experiences of historically excluded Black South Africans. As CEO of Ubuntu Design Group and Ubuntu Architecture Summer Abroad Design Justice School, Wandile empowers inadequately sheltered families to overcome apartheid's social and economic challenges through innovative and collaborative architectural designs. To create a more inclusive and equitable workplace culture, visit antiracisthotdog.com to learn about Wandile's work and how The Anti-Racist Hotdog can help achieve these goals. Together, let us build a better future for all and end apartheid's lingering legacy.
Wandile Mthiyane